Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President, Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) was invited to speak about "Recent Global Trends - Disaster Recovery CSR“ at the "CIGS(Canon Institute of Global Studies) Seminar" on April 1, 2015.
* Link:
CIGS Special Seminar"Recent Global Trends - Disaster Recovery CSR“
* Venue : Canon Institute of Global Studies, Shin-Marunouchi Bldg., 11F, Canon Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo, Japan
* Host : Canon Institute of Global Studies
* Speaker£º Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF)
* Moderator£º Mr. Jun Kurihara, Research Director, CIGS
* Abstract of the Speech :
Despite the fact that almost four years have passed since Japan experienced the 3.11 tragedy in the Tohoku region, the region's rehabilitation has been frustratingly slow, leaving the disaster victims in the state of anxiety. At this critical juncture, what can Japanese businesses do as responsible corporate citizens? What kind of CSR approaches can be successfully applied, and in turn, what experience in Tohoku can be applied to other regions both at home and abroad.
Amidst deepening globalization, Japanese firms, like firms in other countries, are making effort to harmonize and adjust themselves in accordance with various types of globalized governance norms. The question here is not how to swallow blindly all of these globalized governance norms, but to selectively interpret them while keeping present practices intact that are already exemplary by global standards, hence, presenting them as effective and excellent methods for the global business community. Among such exemplary CSR norms and methods, the seminar presents inclusive CSR activities developed by Japanese firms in the region of quake-and-nuclear-disaster-hit Fukushima. At the seminar, the speakers also provide an audience with the evaluation of the inclusive CSR activities by global standards, and prospective methods of disseminating such exemplary cases around the globe.