Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) was invited as a panelist of the parallel session of the W20 Saudi Arabia 2020 summit on the women’s role in fighting corruption as change makers, representing w20 the policy dialogue with leaders of B20, C20, UNDP, and Diplomatic Courier regarding the linkages between corruption and its impacts on gender for women's empowerment on October 21, 2020.
Apart from her panelist role, she contributed inception and curation of the session as well as outreaching its speakers, after she bridged B20 and W20 during 2020 G20 Saudi Arabian presidency year, thanks to her dual roles.
As a W20 representative, she shared W20's recommendations to G20 as followings:
1. Recognize corruption as an obstacle to women exercising their civic, social, and economic rights.
2. Address offenses that are enabled by the corruption that affect women the most, including sexual extortion.
3. Promote transparency in resource distribution and women’s access to public services.
4. Build effective legal frameworks to ensure justice and law enforcement to end all forms of violence against women in all spheres.
Also, she emphasized B20's recommendations on gender and anti-corruption as a B20 taskforce member.
• Event: A Parallel session of the Women 20 (W20) Saudi Arabia 2020 Summit
• Topic: Women’s role in fighting corruption as change makers
• Type: Webinar through HOPIN platform not by Zoom
• Time: 4:35-5:30 PM (GMT+3 Time Zone), Wednesday, October 21, 2020
• Format: Policy and action driven conversations among G20’s official policy engagement groups (B20, C20, W20) and international organizations
• Session Recording Link :
• Speakers:
* Moderator: Ms. Ana Rold, Founder, CEO and Publisher, Diplomatic Courier
* Opening remark: Dr. Adam Bouloukos, UNDP Resident Representative for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Head of Delegation of UNDP to the 2019 Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
* Business 20 (B20): Ms. Danielle Cannata, Co-Chair of Integrity and Compliance Taskforce of B20 Saudi Arabia 2020 and Senior Counsel, International Trade of SABIC
* Civil Society 20 (C20): Mr. Blair Glencorse, International Lead of Anti-Corruption Working Group of C20 Saudi Arabia 2020, Founder & Executive Director of Accountability Lab, and a former member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Anti-Corruption
* Women 20 (W20): Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF), Co-Head of South Korean delegation & the elected Chair of Digital Inclusion Working Group of W20 Saudi Arabia 2020, and a member of the Integrity and Compliance Taskforce of B20 Saudi Arabia 2020, the Anti-Corruption Committee of Business at OECD, and the Private Sector Advisory Group of the Fair Biz Project at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub advising the Fair Biz Project’s Diversity and Inclusion Platform
• Description:
Creating conditions in which women can live, work, and thrive is an important imperative for empowering people, one of the G20 Saudi Arabia 2020’s presidency agenda. However, corruption disproportionately affects women by hampering the advancement of their jobs, business, and lives at the workplace and the marketplace as well as in the supply chain and the community.
How can mainstream gender considerations in public and corporate policies and actions for anti-corruption? What are the roles and actions of the government, business, and civil society organizations to address the linkages between corruption and its impacts on gender and strive for cross-sector collaboration promoting women’s civic, social, and economic rights?
Representatives of B20, C20, W20, and global experts of international organizations will discuss the ways to support women towards a more equitable future by transforming them from victims to change makers in fighting corruption.