Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) co-authored the article on <Building Back Better for Women: Digital Inclusion - COVID 19, Plus the Digital Gender Gap, Equals a Grave Threat to Women's Health, Security, and Prosperity>, the second publication of a series of articles highlighting specific areas in which it is vital to take action for women's economic empowerment, by the joint partnership with Women 20 (W20), the official gender related policy recommendation group to G20, and Accenture Research in September 2020.
The article was co-authored with researchers of Accenture Research and Ms. Kang with her capacity of Co-Head of South Korean Delegation and the elected Chair of Digital Inclusion Working Group of 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia, by emphasizing digital access, literacy, and fluency for women's digital inclusion and presenting policy recommendations of 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia based on various statistics, trends, and examples.
For more information and the article, please visit