GCEF(Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum) has supported the 2nd ASES Asian Social Entrepreneurs Summit as its conference partner by helping to gather participants from Japan and PR & communication activities.
Especially, Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and CEO of G-CEF has been advising about overall event preparation as a member of steering committee. Detailed information is as follows.
The 2nd Asian Social Entrepreneurs Summit 2010 (ASES 2010) www.asiases.org
= A platform to exchange information and to explore cooperation possibilty of Asian social enterprises based on geographical and cultural perspectives
= The 2nd international conference after its successful event in October, 2008 to share mutual knowledge and experiences among Asian social enterpreneurs
= ASES 2020 aims to deepen dialogues and to pursue substantial discussions for expanding sustainability of social enterprises
= ASES 2008: 8 Asian countries, 35 international speakers and total about 200 participants attended
= ASES 2010: 15 Asian countries, 50 international speakers and total about 250 participants expected
#Time: November 29 - 30, 2010
#Venue: Seoul KyoYuk MunHwa HoeKwan, Seoul, Korea
#Theme: Asian Poverty & Social Entrepreneurship, a Wave of Change in Asia
#Hosted by: Work Together Foundation
#Co-Organized by: Presidential Council of Green Growth Korea, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture,
National Council of Social Enterpreneurs in Korea, Social Enterprise Network,
The Hope Institute, The Institute of Sustainable Development
#Sponsored by: Ministry of Labor, Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA), SK
#Conference Partners: ASHOKA, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs,
Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy, Pacific Asia Resource Centre,
National Innovation Foundation in India, Social Venture Partners Tokyo,
World Toilet Organization, G-CEF(Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum),
Yonsei University School of Business Social Enterprise Center,
NSYSCOM (Nonprofit Network System & Communication),
The Korea Association for Sustainable Tourism,
Fair Trade Korea, Korean Institute of Agriculture, Fishery and Society