During the year 2020, Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) has contributed to making good differences in CSR, ESG, sustainability, responsible business conduct, business integrity, and gender-inclusive compliance policies, thanks to her multiple roles in OECD, G20, and UNDP, by interconnecting global policy platforms and advancing one of the new global trends, addressing the linkages of gender and anti-corruption in the business environment for anti-corruption capacity building of businesswomen and women entrepreneurs.
[Business at OECD (Business and Industry Advisory Committee: BIAC)]
- Contributed to the publication on <Connecting the Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Agendas: A Guide for Business and Employers' Organizations> by Business at OECD and IOE (International Organization of Employers) as an Anti-Corruption Committee member
[Women 20 (W20) of G20 Official Policy Engagement Group]
- Participated in the 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia’s policy-making process for the W20 communiqué, the list of policy recommendations to G20 as Co-Head of South Korean delegation
- Supported 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia’s contribution to G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF) and UNESCO’s online consultation for the first global standard-setting instrument on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) as the elected Chair of W20 Saudi Arabia’s Digital Inclusion Working Group with the group members from ten countries
- Co-authored the article on <Building Back Better for Women: Digital Inclusion - COVID 19, Plus the Digital Gender Gap, Equals a Grave Threat to Women's Health, Security, and Prosperity> with Accenture Research, one of the 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia’s research article series
- Curated the parallel session of the 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia Summit, <Women’s Role in Fighting Corruption as Change Makers> and represented W20 as a W20 panelist by sharing 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia’s policy recommendations on corruption and its impact on gender to G20
- Connected 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia and Harvard Kennedy School Women’s Network (HKSWN) and curated & moderated the September Global Coffee Chat Series (GCCS) webinar by inviting Sherpa of 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia
[Business 20 (B20) of G20 Official Policy Engagement Group]
- Participated in the 2020 B20 Saudi Arabia’s policy-making process for the B20 policy recommendations to G20 as a member of 2020 B20 Saudi Arabia’s Integrity & Compliance Taskforce
- Contributed to the launch of 2020 B20 Saudi Arabia’s initiative to strengthen women’s role in fighting corruption in the supply chain and its training material development for B20 companies, SMEs, and women enterprises
[UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)]
- Spoke as a discussant at the webinar on <Integrated Approach to Socio-Economic Response to COVID-19: UNDP Offer 2.0, Reflections on Anti-Corruption, and Experiences from Korea> co-hosted by UNDP Seoul Policy Centre and Global Anti-Corruption Team and shared the private sector’s perspective
- Advised the gender and anti-corruption dimension for the Diversity & Inclusion Platform of the FairBiz Project, housed in the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub as its Private Sector Advisory Group (PSAG) member
- Spoke as a panelist at the online workshop session <Moving from Commitment to Action> organized by UNDP Global Program on Anti-Corruption, Anti-Corruption for Peaceful and Inclusive Societies (ACPIS) of the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) co-hosted by Transparency International (TI) and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of South Korea, as multi-stakeholder policy dialogue to address corruption and accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with panelists from TI, Africa Union, OECD, and UN and emphasized enhancing women’s role in fighting corruption and gender sensitive compliance in the business environment with examples of OECD, B20, and UNDP.
[Interconnecting Global Policy Platforms and Advancing Gender Inclusive Compliance]
- Connected 2020 B20 Saudi Arabia and UNDP as the first B20’s official partnership engagement with a UN organization, which inspired <The Joint Statement on Accountability and Anti-Corruption in the Age of a Global Pandemic> and advised UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub’s 2020 B20 Saudi Arabia’s pilot projects disseminating anti-corruption training materials for B20 companies, SMEs, and women enterprises in Thailand and Indonesia
- Connected B20 and W20 and contributed W20’s first approach to address the topic of connecting gender and anti-corruption at the 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia Summit through its parallel session as a policy dialogue on enhancing women’s role in fighting corruption with other G20’s official policy engagement groups, B20 and Civil Society 20 (C20)
- Spoke as a panelist at the online workshop session <Beyond Compliance: Innovative Approaches to Business Integrity and Responsible Business Conduct in Southeast Asia> co-organized by OECD and UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub of the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) co-hosted by Transparency International (TI) and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of South Korea, as multi-stakeholder policy dialogue with experts of OECD, UNDP, Microsoft, entrepreneurship, and ESG about a private sector's role for enhancing business integrity and RBC in Southeast Asia and emphasized enhancing women’s role in fighting corruption and gender sensitive compliance in the business environment with examples of OECD, B20, and UNDP.
- Contributed to the Strategic Action Plan Paper on <The COVID-19 Gender Gap - How Women's Experience and Expertise Will Drive Economic Recovery> published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) for policy recommendations to global policymakers including G20 leaders, led by its Gender and Inclusive Growth Initiative
- Developed cases and training materials and lectured live sessions of the first e-learning course on <Gender, Enterprise, and Compliance> in Latin America hosted by Centro de Gobernanza Abierta (Center for Open Governance) as an international expert on gender and anti-corruption